Wereldspelers in English?
The website you are visiting is a tool that was originally developed within and for Flemish youth work, as part of a project called Wereldspelers // GloBall. It targets youth workers who have little experience in working with newcomers. This Dutch website has been translated into an English booklet which you can download through the link underneath. This translation has been made possible within the ‘Becoming part of Europe’ project thanks to Erasmus+ Youth in Action funds.
The project ‘Becoming part of Europe’ focusses on the integration and social inclusion of young newcomers in youth work (migrants, refugees and asylum seekers). It is a cooperation project between the Erasmus+ youth National Agencies from Belgium-Flanders, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Slovenia, Malta, Portugal and Italy.
‘Becoming part of Europe’ aims to develop new methods and activities (e.g. training) and to formulate policy recommendations. But the national expert groups in each partner country also collected good youth work practices. These practices you can all explore on the website of the project, to inspire you in your own work.
Download: GloBall (pdf)